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Smiling through the Chaos

Love books, my son, my family (birth and chosen) Will kill for a cup of good coffee. Killer grins slay me every time and have never met a pair of shoes or a book that didn't want to follow me home.

Stalking Natalie

Stalking Natalie - Skip Coryell
Stalking Natalie was a fast easy read. A suspenseful story with some really disturbing scenes.The reason I wanted to read this story was intriguing idea of being trapped with a stalker, it had so many possibilities. It certainly did not end the way I thought it would

I only had a couple of problems with the book. First was the main character really is annoying in her self dialogue. She sounded and sometimes acted like 12 year old. Yes, there are single moms struggling with jobs they hate, not enough money and loneliness but you deal with it and grow up.
Second were random characters/story lines added nothing to the story to move it along.There were also plot issues that sometimes feel like we were missing part of the book.

Overall this is a good book that makes you think about your morals,ethics and choices made.

I am not a professional reviewer just to let you know, I'm more of a professional romance book reader who loves happy endings. I won this book in the First Reads contest/giveaways.